For those starting their Montessori at home journey, sifting through Montessori's texts can be a daunting task. While you are making your way through some of the recommended Montessori starter books, I recommend following some quality Montessori blogs.
The benefit of following quality blogs is that the people writing about how they implement Montessori at home have already done the footwork for you.
Dr. Montessori's own writings have already been combed through, analyzed, and implemented in a home setting.
Some of these Montessori blogs feature Montessori activities for babies, young toddlers, and preschoolers. There are Montessori blogs that take you through Montessori homeschooling in the elementary years, as well.

Here is a list of 10 Montessori blogs to follow if you want to do Montessori at home
Carrots are Orange
First off, it's true. Also, this is seriously my favorite Montessori blog.
This Montessori blog's author is Montessori educated and extremely knowledgeable about all things Montessori and parenting. She offers printable material and courses to help you get started with Montessori at home in a way that is true to the Method.
The Montessori Notebook
You may have seen the title, “The Montessori Toddler” online or in a book store. The author of this blog actually wrote this book!
She's as thorough with her blog material as she is with her paperback. From gift ideas to crafts, The Montessori Notebook is a great Montessori resource.
Visit The Montessori Notebook.
Living Montessori Now
One visit to the “Homeschooling” tab on this website and you will get an idea of the vast resources it has to offer. Everything presented on the blog portion of this site is useful, no matter your level of Montessori experience.
The author of this blog is Montessori trained, has loads of experience, and is kind enough to share her knowledge with those just beginning through her blog.
Guide and Grow
One of the first social media stops on learning how to implement Montessori at home is the Facebook group, Montessori at Home (0-3 years). The owner of this extremely helpful and well-moderated group, Sylvia Arotin, also owns and authors the Guide and Grow website.
This blog offers wonderful Montessori-aligned parenting advice and thoughtful insight on all things Montessori. They have a cost-effective online workshop and Montessori rental boxes for Montessori parents and caregivers living in Australia!
The Pinay Homeschooler
The Pinay Homeschooler is a great resource for Montessori materials and recommendations on Montessori-aligned toys, books, and learning supplies. Toddler and preschool-age blog posts and resources are available to help give you plenty of Montessori activity ideas for your little one.
Study units for elementary age children are also available on the site. This is definitely a site to bookmark.
The Montessori-Minded Mom
Of course I'm going to recommend this one!
This blog was started in 2017, at the start of my Montessori journey. I enjoyed reading other's websites and watching their little ones involved in serious Montessori learning and play and I decided I would love to fill in some of the gaps and help bring a practical approach to the Montessori blogging world.
As a Montessori certified stay-at-home mother of 3, I enjoy sharing what I know, learning from others, and interacting with my subscribers.
Visit The Montessori-Minded Mom.

How We Montessori
This is one of the more popular Montessori websites, especially for parents of young toddlers. The author uses photo imagery to help parents new to Montessori see for themselves what Montessori might look like in a home setting.
The author of this blog opens up her home in every post to give her readers a glimpse of what Montessori at home looks like for her family, stage by stage. It is a great visual guide and can provide inspiration to parents wondering how to implement Montessori at home.
Our Montessori Life
While not a blog that churns out daily content, this bog's content is truly evergreen, and the author is active on Instagram and other platforms.
The blog's author is Montessori certified for the 0-3 age group, but her wisdom carries well over other age groups, as well. She started sharing Montessori advice and her personal Montessori experiences on her blog well before Montessori's popularity hit a fever pitch.
This Toddler Life
This is a Montessori blog you might miss, as Montessori is not in the name. However, this is one of the better parenting, Montessori, and activity blogs out there.
Holly, the website's author has packed her website full of useful advice on parenting, play, and minimalism; all with a Montessori twist.
Montessori Nature
This is one of the first blogs I checked out when I was first introduced to Montessori. The explanations of Montessori concepts are clear and concise and the hand-on activities are Montessori, through and through.
This blog is great for learning all things, Montessori. It even has a Montessori homeschooling guide available for those looking to make an affordable investment in doing Montessori at home.
A note on Montessori blogs from a Montessori blogger
In your search to find quality Montessori blogs to follow, you will find that this list is by no means comprehensive. These are the Montessori websites that I find to be the least Pinterest-y or sales-y and the most informative, however.
Lots of time, effort, and love goes into bringing Montessori to the masses. Montessori bloggers work hard to share our passion and knowledge with you and we appreciate that you get so much from our efforts!
Cheers and don't forget to subscribe!