Dinosaur gifts for kids
Whether it's a passing fascination or an intense interest that might last through childhood or beyond, children love dinosaurs. Before we get into the fun of picking out some neat dinosaur gifts, let's talk about why dinosaurs capture the attention and imaginations of children they way they do.
1. Dinosaurs cause kids to daydream about being powerful
Dinosaurs posses qualities that kids imagine enjoying. Creatures that have the power and strength to attack and defend themselves are enjoyable for children to imitate.
Playing with these toys, or even just using their imaginations to act like a dinosaur, allows kids explore their own personalities. They do this by taking on some of the characteristics they know, or imagine, certain dinosaurs to have.

2. The mystery of their disappearance
Dinosaurs' rule of the earth has been depicted in powerful images. This makes their sudden disappearance very mysterious and exciting.
Though dinosaurs are not mythical, children get the chance to use their imagination in regards to their disappearance.
3. Kids like to be experts
You might have noticed that your little dinosaur lover really enjoys being able to list dinosaur names and tell you able their different characteristics.
And you may notice that they are correct. Every single time.
This is because children enjoy the opportunity to be an expert about something. Dinosaurs provide the sense of pride, accomplishment, and expertise that kids crave!
4. They help kids grasp the concept of time
Dinosaurs are a representation of the past and give us clues to the origins of the world we know.
The concept of time is difficult to grasp for young children, but dinosaurs help give kids an extra boost in this area.
5. They are are ferocious, but not a threat
Dinosaurs were massive and terrifying! This can lead some parents wondering why their kids aren't afraid of these images and representations.
The answer is simple: Dinosaurs are not around anymore in their most terrifying forms!
Children get to use these immensely ferocious creatures in their play without the fear that they will ever meet a dinosaur in real life.

Most kids who show an intense interest in dinosaurs will not become paleontologists when they grow up. This doesn't make their fascination with dinosaurs useless as a childhood fascination, though.
Dinosaurs are a whole lot of fun, but they have a lot to teach us, too!
Here are some fun gift ideas to help you follow your child's prehistoric interests!
Dinosaur coloring books
What better way for a child who loves dinosaurs to develop their fine motor and pincer grasp muscles than dinosaur coloring books!
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Dinosaur sticker books
Every child enjoys stickers. For a child that likes dinosaurs, these books are a blast. My dino guy loves all these!
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Dinosaur encyclopedias
For those kids that seem to need to know everything, dinosaur encyclopedias geared toward the younger crowd are a fun way to satisfy that need.
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Hands-on activities as dinosaur gifts
Reading about fossils excavation is interesting to kids, getting a chance to unearth some faux fossils with their own hands is a fantastic gift!
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Figures and play mats

No matter the level of interest in dinosaurs your little one possesses, play figures are a fun part of dino-imaginative play. Play schemas often lead kids to play with these figures in some interesting and important ways.
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Story books
If you've got an imaginative little one that enjoys sitting on your lap for fun and interesting stories, here are some great suggestions that my kids just love!
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Educational dinosaur shows and movies
In addition to the dinosaur gifts featured above, there are some pretty neat movies and tv shows that can be purchased as gifts, or presented at a dinosaur themed birthday party.
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The best dinosaur gifts
If you are reading this article, you are already giving your child the very best gift. You are paying attention to your child's interests and investing time into making sure they are able to follow those interest.
Cheers and don't forget to subscribe!
Little one
Wednesday 6th of January 2021
The human’s baby has a prolonged infancy. That’s the difference between human and other species. Montessori insists on that difference between all other animals and humans. For her, it’s a barrier between species. She said (p60) “His appearance on earth was a jump in life: the starting point for new destinies”.